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Monday, July 4, 2011

ESR-Boy Meets World

This clip is from Boy Meets World episode, Teacher's Bet. In this clip, the teacher, Mr. Feeny, makes a bet with one of his students, Cory. The debate between Cory and Mr. Feeny was that Cory believes being a teacher is easy, whereas being a student is much more difficult. Mr. Feeny believes it is the opposite. So, he proposed a bet. For one week, Cory is allowed to teach Mr. Feeny's Social Studies class. At the end of the week, if more students pass the test than normal, then Mr. Feeny wins. If not, then Cory wins.

Cory goes on for the next day or two changing the rules in the classroom and running the class his own way. Mr. Feeny begins to act like his students and disregarding what Cory says in class. The clip goes on to show that Cory has learned a valuable lesson in that, it isn't right to make such hasty judgments about others. He even uses the book the students are reading for the week, "Pride and Prejudice" to make his point.

By doing this little experiment, Mr. Feeny allowed Cory to see things from his perspective and to acknowledge that not everybody has things easier than others. That everyone works hard in every aspect of their life. And by the end of this episode, Cory has done a complete 180 on his perspective of things and has learned a valuable lesson.

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